
//使用arduino IDE自带的Stepper.h库文件
#include <Stepper.h>
#include <Keypad.h>

// 这里设置步进电机旋转一圈是多少步
#define STEPS 32

Stepper stepper(STEPS, 12, 13, 11,10 );//引脚要互换

int speedRadio = 1;
int direction=0;

//    Keypad Pin R1 –> Arduino Pin 2
//    Keypad Pin R2 –> Arduino Pin 3
//    Keypad Pin R3 –> Arduino Pin 4
//    Keypad Pin R4 –> Arduino Pin 5
//    Keypad Pin C1 –> Arduino Pin 6
//    Keypad Pin C2 –> Arduino Pin 7
//    Keypad Pin C3 –> Arduino Pin 8
//    Keypad Pin C4 –> Arduino Pin 9

const byte ROWS = 4; //4行
const byte COLS = 3; //3列

char keys[ROWS][COLS] = {
byte rowPins[ROWS] = {5, 4, 3, 2}; //connect to the row pinouts of the keypad
byte colPins[COLS] = {8, 7, 6}; //connect to the column pinouts of the keypad

Keypad keypad = Keypad( makeKeymap(keys), rowPins, colPins, ROWS, COLS );

void setup(){
    // 初始化串口,用于向终端输出调试信息

    // 设置电机的转速:每分钟为90步

void loop(){
    char key = keypad.getKey();

    if (key != NO_KEY){

        if(key == '#'){
            speedRadio = 1;
        }else if(key == '*'){
            speedRadio = 5;
        }else {
            int ikey = int(key)-48;

            if(ikey >0 && ikey < 10){
                if(direction ==0){
            }else if(ikey ==0){//用0设置逆时针或顺时针转动
                if(direction ==0){
                    direction = 1;
                    direction = 0;

Author: bkdwei